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Imagine a Better Fashion Industry

Posted by Mariel Rico on

We will start at the beginning of the commodity cycle, with the farmers. We source the fibers for our textiles from sustainable farms, contributing to the wellbeing of the farmers. In turn, they take care of our earth. Our farmers ensure biodiversity, soil quality, and the vitality of the land by planting not only organic cotton but also alternative fiber crops such as hemp or bamboo, that require less water and pesticides. We require that the production of our crops and fibers does not exceed the carrying capacity of the environment. We learn how to work with nature’s cycles.

We make all of our clothing with eco-conscious fibers or we repurpose clothing that has been disposed of to get it out of landfills. We produce our clothing both sustainably and ethically. We locate developing regions that are looking for foreign markets and we connect women in the regions with international designers. We talk with the communities. We ask questions. We create high standards for working conditions and a safe space for collaboration. We break down walls. We connect. We ensure that all operations are transparent and that every producer is paid adequately. We acknowledge the value of labor.

We design the clothing with true creativity and we ensure that every piece is of high quality. We create apparel for all sizes and we strive, ultimately, to make our customers feel confident. When we choose women to model our clothing, we make sure that we choose women of all races, backgrounds and body types and we do not discriminate based on society’s strict and unhealthy beauty standards. We shatter the illusion that you would ever have to shrink yourself to be beautiful. We honor diversity.

When we market the brand, we make sure that we are telling the right story. We unveil the truth. We tell customers who makes our clothing and we help trace the impact of our threads, from beginning to end, in the hopes that it may remind us that we are all citizens of one world.

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